Article 6 “Consciously living life into a designed future.”


Article 6 of the Tribe Conversation

Why are we having the tribe conversation? The answer is in the title of this article. We are consciously living life into a designed future. We are at cause rather than at effect. We are choosing more than we allow and tolerate. We are on purpose rather than thrown. Intentional rather than coincidental.

We are in control of what we can control and yes life can and does happen. I am not here to argue or debate why or if. I am simply drawing attention and intention to what we appear to have control of. This is an appropriate time to insert a timeless axiom.

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

The Courage to change the things I can,

And the Wisdom to know the difference

~Reinhold Niebuhr

I am not an expert in the Serenity Prayer but when I recently came across it, I felt it was a good underpinning to the conscious work we are doing in the Tribe Conversation. There seems to be a certain amount of design that we can create or align with in our journey. I like to say I am about my people and my projects, and we are about a grand architecture.

This includes who I am, what I am about, and what I am building. It also includes who they are, what they are about, and what they are building. Both large and small, local or global, makes no difference. Each member in your tribe is up to something, even if they are up to nothing. Our role is to inspire the highest and best.

A vision, blueprint, and operating system all working in equilibrium with each other. Each of us individually as part of the tribe and all of us collectively as the tribe.

Your tribe is the ecology, culture, and economy in which you consciously live life into a designed future.

To continue with the tribe conversation, go to Article 7.

Tribe Well,

Brett Labit