Article 1 “If I am so damn smart, how did I end up here?”


Article 1 of the Tribe Conversation

Good question. It was good when I asked it of myself in 2012 at my lowest point, and it has been good each time since. I have learned to ask it on a regular basis as a check-in and a reminder when effect or outcome is not what I desire.

So many of us are getting stuck in what we know we know and what we know we don’t know about creating the outcomes in our life. We appear to be so certain of our thoughts, opinions, and perspectives as we resolutely and continuously defend them. Our justifications, reasons, and excuses all dwell in the same empty house no matter how they are positioned.

“One thing I am certain of now is that whatever I am certain of now I will certainly not be certain of in the future.”~Me


I have pondered the ideas of right and wrong for quite some time now, and have mostly concluded to migrate away from this way of thinking as it pertains to effect or outcome. What is right for one person may not be right for another and therefore the idea of right is in category error with whatever is being considered. Two different versions of right cant both be right for both, as right implies absolute.

Conversely, I have migrated toward a different idea and way of thinking. One that is tied directly to the outcomes that I desire to create, or even the outcomes that you desire to create. The answer to the second part of the initial question is a direct link between, and the reverse engineering of, where I want to end up and how I get there. This is less about right or wrong and more about accurate or inaccurate for me based on many possible variables.

There is often an accurate path for me to get to one destination or outcome, and even for you to get to the same outcome the path is likely very different. There is not one right path, only what is accurate for me based on my variables and what is accurate for you based on yours, with maybe some common overlap.

This is what being smart means to me now. It is not about having information and being fixed on that information. It is about inquiring into the unknown to find the most accurate path. Mastery becomes a fluid practice to the highest and best outcome. Open, growth minded, inquiring into, and up for the task of the potential of my life.

Let’s restructure the question now into a statement.

The Question: If I am so damn smart, how did I end up here?

The Statement: As I choose to be smart, I reverse engineer my outcomes to understand what is accurate for the highest and best.

This can help solve two big problems we will all face in our tribe. First, it reestablishes an efficient and effective operating system for our own achievements. Second, we have much less to argue, debate, and divide over because we simply realize we do not need to be right.

To continue with the tribe conversation, go to Article 2.

Tribe Well,

Brett Labit